COMING SOON – Virginia SMART Manufacturing Accelerator (VSMA)

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GENEDGE was awarded $2.6 million including cost share to start up the Virginia Smart Manufacturing Accelerator (VSMA) by the DOE Office of Manufacturing & Supply Chains through one of 12 grants across the US to build capacity and capability to commercialize adoption of Smart Manufacturing at Small and mid-sized manufacturing companies. A two-year program starting in January 2024, we are funded by the Department of Energy Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains.

The cooperative agreement utilized by DOE intends to renew for significant periods of time. Partners include CCAM, ODU, VCU, VSU and VT to develop the services, workforce pipeline curriculum and workshops to begin serving the manufacturing base. The partner deliverables will provide a base to draw from in ramping up a long-term service delivery model.

The development of the Virginia Smart Manufacturing Accelerator (VSMA) Hub, in partnership with Virginia State University, will create a 10,000 sq. foot center in Petersburg, Virginia that will enable GENEDGE subject matter experts to work with VSU engineering and engineering technology students, faculty, private sector companies and entrepreneurs, to help industry across VA reduce operational costs, improve new product speed to market, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance top line growth and profitability.

At least twenty students per year will participate in career enhancing training and field work using traditional and smart manufacturing technology tool-sets. Beginning in 2026, Department of Energy awards are expected to anchor this center financially, serving 200 companies a year, with substantial return on investment.