Energy storage is critical to our transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy grid. Virginia has made big strides in advancing energy storage technologies in recent years.
Imagine a future where every home, business, and community in Virginia can access reliable, renewable energy, even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. Thanks to groundbreaking advancements in energy storage manufacturing and manufacturing consultancy services, this vision is becoming a reality.
Energy storage systems store excess energy produced during peak times, making power available whenever needed. This innovation powers the stability and reliability of the grid and supports Virginia’s ambitious clean energy goals. Virginia’s continuous plan toward a strong infrastructure addresses immediate energy needs and paves the way for a more sustainable future.
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In this blog, we cover:
- Legislative initiatives like the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA)
- Grid-scale battery installations like Dominion Energy Virginia’s new grid-scale battery storage facility
- Economic potential for the energy storage Virginia sector
1. Legislative Initiatives
During the 2020 General Assembly session, state lawmakers passed the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) — uniting environmental organizations, business coalitions, and consumer advocates to modernize the Commonwealth’s clean energy portfolio. This legislation aims to combat climate change and create green energy jobs for future generations. The General Assembly collaborated on this groundbreaking legislation, establishing ambitious benchmarks for transitioning to a 100% clean energy grid by 2050.
The VCEA mandates investor-owned utilities to procure 3.1 gigawatts of energy storage by 2035, with an additional 10% of capacity coming from behind-the-meter sources. This monumental effort is expected to spur economic growth, generate substantial consumer savings, protect marginalized communities, and drastically reduce carbon emissions. Thank you, Virginia lawmakers!

2. Grid-Scale Battery Installations
Last year, Dominion Energy Virginia activated the largest grid-scale battery storage facility in the state. This 20 MW / 80 MWh project, acquired from East Point Energy, can power approximately 5,000 homes.
The project, known as Dry Bridge Energy Storage, is located in Chesterfield County. It was sold in 2021 to support the grid’s stability and reliability by storing energy generated during periods of high production and releasing it during peak demand times.
This storage capability integrates intermittent renewable energy sources like solar and wind into the grid for a consistent and reliable energy supply. The project is also expected to lower energy distribution costs and improve overall performance for consumers throughout Virginia.

3. Economic Potential
A 2019 study assessed the economic potential of energy storage in Virginia. Depending on installation costs and duration, the near-term potential ranges from 24 to 113 MW (with a duration of 4 hours or less).
According to the Commonwealth of Virginia Energy Storage Study conducted by Strategen, the near-term deployment of energy storage can provide annual net benefits ranging from $3 million to $9 million to the Virginia electricity system and its customers.
Over the next decade, this potential will only rise, with expected energy storage deployment growing to 329-1,123 MW, yielding annual net benefits between $20 million and $58 million. This growth could result in substantial job creation, with preliminary estimates suggesting the creation of 1,212 to 4,132 job years and generating approximately $114 million to $387 million in labor income.
Performing a holistic review of potential energy storage value streams in Virginia, the study evaluates the economic benefits under different levels of storage deployment. Virginia’s Grid Transformation and Security Act positions the state to capitalize on these multi-use benefits, fostering the advancement of these technologies on the grid and promoting economic development for manufacturing companies.

How GENEDGE Can Help
GENEDGE, consultants specialize in increasing productivity, growth, innovation, and competitive performance of manufacturing firms. We offer energy management support for small to medium manufacturers through targeted low-cost consulting services and training programs. We do this by performing detailed energy assessments, GENEDGE identifies inefficiencies and presents customized recommendations to reduce energy consumption and costs.
GENEDGE also assists in implementing energy management systems like ISO 50001, facilitating simple and complex energy efficiency projects.
With GENEDGE’s help, manufacturers can noticeably improve their energy savings and environmental performance.
Contact GENEDGE for a free assessment to kickstart your elite energy management solutions.