Sustainability: Are You Meeting the Standards?

Food manufacturing and sustainability go hand in hand. While we’ve seen progress in areas like electric vehicles and renewable energy, the manufacturing sector still relies heavily on resources and can have a noticeable environmental impact. Though it contributes largely to the economy, the industry shares about 20% of global emissions and impacts biodiversity, water use, deforestation, waste, and social issues like labor rights and modern slavery.

To address this, Virginia food manufacturers need to innovate and commit to sustainable practices. When teams embrace sustainable practices, it also offers manufacturers a unique opportunity to differentiate themselves, build a stronger brand, and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

sustainability in food manufacturing

Key Points

  • The manufacturing industry contributes largely to energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Top food manufacturers are coming up with creative, sustainable solutions that lower risks and open up new opportunities.
  • Sustainability in manufacturing takes a well-rounded approach that considers social and ethical factors.
  • With stricter regulations and consumers demanding more transparency, manufacturers are cutting their environmental impact and sharing their sustainability efforts.

Why Does Sustainability Matter?

Sustainable manufacturing matters because it links industry and the environment, makes work more efficient, cuts costs, and adapts to the consumer. It also helps companies maintain their reputation and long-term viability while addressing climate change and plastic pollution.

In recent decades, there has been a rising population and demand for goods. This means higher greenhouse gas emissions, with carbon dioxide levels climbing. In 2004, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 377.1 parts per million (ppm), while in 2023, this reached 420 ppm, as per WMO’s Global Atmosphere Watch Network. Companies are moving towards circular business models to fight this, which could save over $4.5 trillion by 2040.

According to the EPA, sustainable manufacturing “is the creation of manufactured products through economically sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. Sustainable manufacturing also enhances employee, community, and product safety.”

Sustainable manufacturing

Virginia Sustainable Food Production Rules To Know

State Water Control Law

Regulates water quality and usage by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

Virginia Waste Management Act

Promotes recycling and waste reduction practices.

Clean Air Act

Federal regulation setting air quality standards.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

Governs hazardous waste disposal and resource conservation.

Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC)

Includes energy efficiency and sustainable building practices.

Statewide Fire Prevention Code

Includes provisions for energy-efficient building designs.

ISO 14001

International standard for environmental management systems.

USDA Organic Regulations

Federal standards for organic farming and food production, overseen by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP).

How GENEDGE Helps You Go Green

  • Upon request, GENEDGE can help you meet ISO 14001 certification.
  • We enact supply chain-friendly lean manufacturing techniques to lower food waste and make operations run smoother.
  • GENEDGE offers training programs on sustainability and quality control.
  • GENEDGE supports integrating advanced technologies to improve sustainability efforts.
  • GENEDGE helps identify suppliers that specialize in eco-friendly materials to streamline your green transition. 
Sustainable Food Production

Real Stories


GENEDGE helped CHT USA, Inc. improve its sustainability efforts by conducting an environmental assessment and performing a gap analysis to ensure compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. Through this partnership, CHT USA achieved significant results, including $200K in new and retained sales, $42K in cost savings, and $22.5K in new investments. We also created or retained three jobs. Additionally, GENEDGE provided ongoing support with training in ISO 9001 and 14001, OSHA certifications, and Lean practices, helping the company build a more sustainable and efficient operation.

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MGC Advanced Polymers, INC (MAP)

GENEDGE helped MGC Advanced Polymers, Inc. (MAP) achieve ISO 14001 compliance by conducting regular environmental compliance audits. These audits identified areas for improvement, allowing MAP to enhance its sustainability practices. With GENEDGE’s assistance, MAP implemented effective control plans for air, water, and land environmental programs, lowering waste, water use, and energy management in manufacturing and earning platinum award status for industrial wastewater compliance.

Read More GENEDGE brings lean expertise to your sustainability goals. We can help you identify areas for improvement, implement energy-saving measures, and optimize your processes for a more efficient and eco-friendly operation.

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